SPE Technical Bulletin 02/2022 THE SUMMER EDITION

From Big Data to Smart Data: an Industrial Automation strategy

01 September 2022

from Staff, on Oil&Gas, Software

Rho (MI), 31 August 2022 – In the new edition of Technical Bulletin of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) – Italian Section Key Solution introduces an innovative approach how to transform incredible amount of raw Big Data in Smart Data in OIL&GAS plants.

Automated industrial engineering produces progressively zettabytes of data every year. Most of the data is “dumb”, hard to find, impossible to connect with other data, and hard to comprehend.

Thanks to innovative tool – web-based application, Hierarchy 4.0, described by Daniele Sorressa, Key Solution Technical Manager, it is possible to have a simple view of a complex logic and coupled with Smart Data collected from the plant, to visualize live plant status and signals allocation, to enhance the operators decision-making by having the information before scattered in different documents now being in one place.


About SPE

Society of Petroleum Engineers is a non-profit professional organization whose mission is to collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources and related technologies for the public benefit, and to provide opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence.